Yellowstone, Steamboat History, and a FREE video and eBook!

Greetings, friends! We are enjoying a lovely August and some R&R here in Coeur d'Alene after our amazing National Parks adventure. It was quite a journey!

YELLOWSTONE VIDEO SERIES on sale! And while we are still reveling in the fantastic time we had on that journey, we have decided to keep the discounted price for our 10-part Yellowstone History Highlight video series for one more weekend. Enjoy this fascinating 10-part series for a special discounted price of only $17 -- regular price $25. Enjoy stories about the first national park, accompanied by stunning historical photos, maps and more.​

CLICK HERE TO GET ACCESS TO THE ENTIRE SERIES AT THE DISCOUNTED PRICE. Watch any time, at your leisure after purchase.

This Week in History - Steamboats!

On August 22, 1787, inventor John Fitch debuted his first steamboat. This was 20 years before the more famous inventor Robert Fulton built his first steamboat. John Fitch is the forgotten "father" of steamboats and his story is fascinating. His invention dramatically impacted the growth of the United States. Our Member Supporters this week enjoyed a special 10-minute video presentation highlighting his amazing story. To share with you a sample of the curated journey we share with our Member Supporters, we've unlocked that item for you to enjoy. Just CLICK HERE. Of course, we invite you to consider joining us for our online journey of discovery through brief stories of United States history. Member Support makes all this possible.


In honor of this historic date, THIS WEEKEND ONLY (August 24 & 25), enjoy a FREE download of our Kindle eBook "Steamboats Changed America." (Also available in paperback for only $8.)

Below are a few Amazon customer reviews for "Steamboats Changed America" eBook:

"The impact of riverboats on 19th century western development is told with a refreshing brevity, leaving me wanting more tales of the same ilk."
"A most entertaining & enlightening read about a most important part of American history. "

CLICK HERE to get your FREE DOWNLOAD of the Steamboats Changed America eBook from Amazon this weekend only. And please leave a review!

We also have a video presentation where Bill highlights these steamboat stories. Get FREE ACCESS to our entire video collection with our HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO STREAMING SERVICE! Enjoy 200+ history videos on a wide variety of subjects, categorized and available on-demand. Try the service for FREE for one week! After the trial period, it's only $14.99/month or $120/year. Cancel anytime.

Click here to start a FREE WEEK-LONG TRIAL of our history video streaming service.

Our wonderful Member Supporters enjoyed FREE access to this online video presentation. To check out our recent posts and start your FREE trial of our curated content and personal updates, CLICK HERE.

Have a great weekend.

Laura & Bill -- Bill Wiemuth and Laura Sable

Hi! We share great stories from history. Check out recent newsletters including FREE eBooks, online video presentations, and subscribe today for these weekly treats!

Read more from -- Bill Wiemuth and Laura Sable

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