Our Alaska adventure + FREE book and video!

We are off to Alaska tomorrow! We will be working on the cruises in the Inside Passage. Such a beautiful and fascinating place! Join us for the next three weeks in our newsletters as we explore the Great Land and its amazing stories. Starting with...

FREE eBOOK on Alaska history this weekend!

"Alaska History Highlights: Exploring The Last Frontier: Fascinating People and Events in Alaska’s History" We are especially proud of this History Highlights book. All of our other books in the series were written by Bill and edited by Laura. This book was the first one that we have written as a team! Explore the rich past of America's northernmost state with an overview of the fascinating people and significant events that helped shape Alaska's unique identity. You can download the eBook version for free this holiday weekend - Saturday, Sunday, and Monday - August 31-September 2. You don't need a Kindle to enjoy the eBook. You can download the free Kindle app and then use any smart phone, tablet, or computer.


And don't forget to review our books. Good reviews help us to reach a wider audience. Thanks!

"THE VOICES OF ALASKA" VIDEO PERFORMANCE with Laura & Bill: In this 35-minute video performance, we share stories and songs about the wonders of Alaska. The video program is FREE and available to watch at your leisure.


DISCOUNTED ALASKA VIRTUAL CRUISE! For a limited time, you can SAVE $10 on our Alaska Inside Passage Virtual Cruise collection of 30+ video presentations! To learn more and to join us for this online adventure, CLICK HERE.

Remember...You can enjoy ALL of our custom-created videos (including our entire Alaska collection) with our All-Access History Highlights Video Streaming Service. And you can try the service for FREE!CLICK HERE TO BEGIN YOUR FREE WEEK-LONG TRIAL.

We are excited to share our Alaska adventures with you in the next few weeks. We appreciate all of your support and hope you have a great week!

Laura and Bill


HistoryHighlights.com -- Bill Wiemuth and Laura Sable

Hi! We share great stories from history. Check out recent newsletters including FREE eBooks, online video presentations, and subscribe today for these weekly treats!

Read more from HistoryHighlights.com -- Bill Wiemuth and Laura Sable

Margerie Glacier in Glacier Bay. We continue to savor our September in Alaska. We've enjoyed an array of weather, but still some nice days to sit out on the deck and revel in the amazing scenery and wildlife. We watched two enormous pieces of ice calve off of the face of the beautiful Margerie Glacier in Glacier Bay. They were each about 15 stories tall. Wowza! Did you know Glacier Bay is 3.3 million acres and includes more than 1,000 glaciers? Only seven of those are tidewater glaciers like...

We are savoring our time here in Alaska. The weather has been cool and a little wet, but comfortable and peaceful. In the same way that Mark Twain emerged as the "voice" of the Mississippi River, or Thoreau for Walden Pond, famed naturalist John Muir wrote beautifully about Alaska. He visited the region seven times in the last 20 years of the 1800s. His writings sparked a fervor for visitation and preservation of this wilderness. No one captured it better than Muir. OUR NEW BOOK IS ON SALE...

Greetings, friends! We are enjoying a lovely August and some R&R here in Coeur d'Alene after our amazing National Parks adventure. It was quite a journey! YELLOWSTONE VIDEO SERIES on sale! And while we are still reveling in the fantastic time we had on that journey, we have decided to keep the discounted price for our 10-part Yellowstone History Highlight video series for one more weekend. Enjoy this fascinating 10-part series for a special discounted price of only $17 -- regular price $25....