New Book Launch Today! Get it for only $.99

[Trumpets playing!]

Yesterday, our member supporters received early access to discount copies of our new book, "Explore Alaska with John Muir." Today is the official launch and as a newsletter subscriber, through Sunday you can SAVE $2 off the eBook, paperback, or hardback editions. That's only $.99 for the eBook, $5.99 for the paperback, and $12.99 for the nice hardback edition. Just use the special discount link below:

Just a reminder that the Kindle eBook edition can be read on any computer, tablet, or phone with the free Kindle app. You don't need to have a specific Kindle reader device.


You are the key to our success. We've learned that reviews are the biggest factor to Amazon recommending the book to new readers. When you finish the book, please take just a few seconds to mark your star review and write a sentence or two about how much you enjoyed it here:

We're hoping to have 100 reviews in our first month! Your help is appreciated. Please share this email with all your friends and family or post on social media.


"Explore Alaska with John Muir" offers a captivating journey through the rugged wilderness of Alaska, as seen through the eyes of one of America's most revered naturalists. The book blends vivid descriptions of Alaska's glaciers, mountains, and forests with Muir's deep reflections on nature and humanity's place within it. Through a combination of adventure and philosophical insight, Muir's experiences, such as his harrowing expedition with the loyal dog, Stickeen, bring the grandeur of the glorious Alaskan landscape to life.

The book provides not only a glimpse into the unspoiled wilderness of Alaska, but also into Muir's profound environmental philosophy, which continues to influence conservation efforts today. Readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the natural world, inspired by Muir's passion for preservation and his eloquent expression of the sublime beauty found in remote places. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, a history buff, or someone seeking inspiration, this book offers a unique and enriching perspective on the importance of nature in our lives. We are so excited to share this new book with you!

This is the fifteenth book in our History Highlights Series! Between Bill's research and writing and Laura's input and editing, we're staying productive. We know all this is possible thanks to those of you that purchase our books, subscribe to our History Video Streaming Site, and support through our Member Supporter Website. We are so grateful for your enthusiasm.

We have departed the Columbia and Snake River cruise and are off to enjoy the extension motorcoach tour, visiting Glacier, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton National Parks. What a perfect way to celebrate the launch of the book about John Muir who was often called the "Father of the National Parks."

On a personal note, today is also our 15th wedding anniversary, so we are celebrating more than one amazing thing on this lovely Saturday.

Warmest regards,

Bill and Laura -- Bill Wiemuth and Laura Sable

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Read more from -- Bill Wiemuth and Laura Sable

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