FREE "Statue of Liberty" book for Independence Day

Happy weekend! We hope this email finds you enjoying a fantastic summer. And we've got a perfect treat for you for the upcoming Independence Day holiday. We are offering a FREE copy of our Statue of Liberty EBOOK. Bill enjoyed researching and writing about this great American icon and telling its fascinating story. We are excited to share it with you to celebrate Independence Day.

FREE KINDLE EBOOK (Saturday and Sunday only): Here's the link to the Amazon Kindle eBook:

Don't forget to leave a review for this or any of our History Highlights books! It only takes a minute and it helps us reach a larger audience.

**You also can purchase our PAPERBACK, AUDIOBOOK, and VIDEO PRESENTATION -- all sharing the story of the Statue of Liberty.**

PAPERBACK: (Only $7.99) Here's the link to the Amazon paperback edition:

AUDIOBOOK: (Only $7) Here's the link to listen to or download the Audiobook edition:

VIDEO PRESENTATION: (Only $7) Here's the link to my online video presentation:

Here are just a few highlights to get you excited to learn more...

As the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886, she stood as the tallest man-made structure in the world and the most remarkable statue ever constructed. This is the story of visionary dreams, enormous struggle, the power of many, an unlikely international achievement in partnership between France and the United States, the precious concept of liberty, an icon of immigration, and a mighty feminine colossus named for her purpose: Liberty Enlightening the World.

Explore how the vision began for a remarkable gift from the people of France to the people of the United States and the fascinating people, struggles, and drama that brought that vision to reality.

Our email service has a new feature to include a poll in our newsletter. Let's try it out to give us some direction where to focus our energy:

We wish you a wonderful weekend and a very happy Independence Day. Stay safe!

All the best,

Bill and Laura

P.S. Thank you so much to those of you that have joined our member support group! We are so honored -- and we're going to have some more history fun! If you're interested in joining our efforts to share history, enjoy some free samples from our exclusive member's only site and learn more here: -- Bill Wiemuth and Laura Sable

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